Sunday, May 20, 2012

Giveaways.... Got to love them!

Been browsing around again thought I would bring you all some sites that offer weekly and or monthly Giveaways!
Write. Click. Scrapbook offers Giveaways every Thursday along with a ton of inspirational posts. offers classes/tutorials at least once a week as giveaways just for posting.

So thats it  for today... Husband is saying something about dinner being ready!

Happy Scraping all!

Tired today... But I did spend the day sorting pics and browsing through kits! Hope to have something up soon!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Scrapbook Sister Challange

As I browsed though my blog roll call to see what was new I found that Scrapbook Sister offers two challenges on their blog! I love challenges because they help get the creative juices flowing AND give you the chance to win something cool! Stop by Scrapbook Sisters and take a look around! Don't forget to check out their monthly giveaway also!

Yet again... It has been a long time!

Since last time I posted much has happened. We have moved and are currently and slowly renovating our new home. I have to find all my software... But hope to be posting new layouts soon!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Almost a year....

Its been almost a year since I have written anything here! Crazy!

So an update from the last post... LOL... James and I have acquired a lot of the hardware we wanted to get our business going. We have the website up and filled with hundreds of SVG files fo free download to help get the site on the map.

As I am no longer working a traditional job I finally have the time to put into our business!!! So keep an eye out here and on our business site for new pages and products!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gearing up for crazy days.....

.... I should have my tax return by the end of the month. Once they hit the bank we are going to make a trip to Bakersfield and get all the rest of the licences for the Scrap business done. At which point I can FINALLY start doing books from home! YEAH!! (Already have two BIG jobs lined up! :) We are really hoping to have a full retail store open by the end of the year!

I have been working on the website for the design portion for a while now. If ya wanna check it out any suggestions would be much appreciated:

All U Can Scrap Design & Craft is just a click away!

It still needs some work and there are a few other things I want to add before we advertise it, but it is a start! :)

Besides that my everyday work has me running like crazy. We are getting ready for inventory at the end of next week, so of course NOTHING is working right! LOL Go figure huh! Russel is doing good in school. He is currently working on his first BIG project. A state history project and he choose Tenn. Congads Pop! LOL Can you all believe he will be entering Jr. High this coming August??? Man where does the time go??? James is doing well. Believe it or not keeping busy in the construction field. We feel very lucky that the economy has not effected his work here! He is also building and maintaning websites for a few differnt clients that his company works with on a regular basis. Brianna is also doing good. She is still working at Del Taco and has also decided to become a consultant for Mary Kay. She is currently enrolled at the collage taking a few minor class and preparing for her GED.

And that is life right now in our small little part of the world. We love you all!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Red Oak Lines

Here is another great Giveaway:

Red Oak Lines

For $30 worth of scrapbooking supplies!

Scrapbook Update

Check this one out! Not only do they list some great giveaways they also have a TON of other resources!

Scrapbook Update

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Digital Scraps Giveaways

Ok.. This place seems to have giveaways every days, but you have to check back daily because they are only up a day or two!
Digital scrap giveaways

Good Luck!

Scrap supply contests and give aways.

So in my never ending search for cost effective supplies I have discovered giveaways and contests!! HEHE What a thought huh! So keep an eye out and as I find them I will post them here for all to see!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

In Loving Memory

I was looking through our pictures for something to inspire me and I found these. The man in this picture was my boss at one time in my current job. He became so much more then that. He was a fountain of knowledge, even when he did not know it, inspiring without knowing it, and he taught me a lot about what is truly important in life when I needed it the most. He did this just by being him and I will always love him dearly for it.

Two weeks after Easter this year he passed away from pancreatic cancer. It was hard for anyone who was close to him to watch such a healthy, strong, and loving man go the way he did. He stayed himself in spirit to the last day.

My family and I will always love and remember him. We miss his straight talk and always youthful spirit but keep it with us every day.

Rhett we love you and miss you and know that where ever you are you enjoyed your life in the fullest. Thank you for touching ours!

Two weeks of Hell

Well it has been a two week monday. The 20th I saw Brianna off to Job Corps. The 21st she gave up and we had to go pick her up. So with all the fighting between us for her giving up and trying to convince her that she needed this I am mentally drained. I went from being excited to finally be able to see again to being so mentally tired that I have do no scrapbooking. Anyway, I am back. I started sorting my files again today and hope to have a few new layouts for you all soon. Like by the end of the week.

Hope all is well with all of you! Talk to you all soon!